Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX) 2022
The two-layer air dome is a portable hiking hut. The pneumatic envelope is mounted on a trailer with two folding wings. The shelter is designed to be set up and dismantled (inflated and deflated) several times at various locations along the Minnet Trail to offer hikers accommodation.
The pneumatic/inflatable envelope is a hemispherical shape formed by a double membrane system. Both layers are made of highly translucent PVC-PES fabric. 10 transparent windows are integrated into the envelope to provide views of the exterior.
Synthetic cords are used to connect the outer and inner layers at specific points. Zip fasteners and aluminium clamping strips, positioned all the way round the base of the dome, connect it to the trailer platform and ensure a rapid assembling and dismantling process.
1000 Pa pressure is provided by a central inflation system.
structural engineering and workshop design/planning
2001 territories, buildings, spaces & ideas
interior architecture
NJOY_architecture inside
picture 5,6 – 2001
picture 1,2,4 – Ludmilla Cerveny
picture 3 – Ludmilla Cerveny, formTL
picture 7,8,9 – formTL
outers layer
251 m²
inner layer
168 m²
covered surface
93 m²
Sattler Polyplan 984 C
Portholes Cristal Plus 500 µm